KYVOAD LTRG Update and Discussion

We are going to have an important Recovery update meeting for Kentucky VOAD on Thursday morning. May 13 at 9:30 am eastern. It will be important that we get updated on recovery efforts thus far and what is being planned. We all have a part to play in recovery, even our traditional response and clean-up […]

March Flooding Event – KYVOAD After Action Review

For those interested, Patrick will be hosting a roundtable discussion on our response efforts during the February/March Ice and Flooding event.  Items of particular interest include the use of Crisis Clean Up, Communication and Collaboration, and KYVOAD briefing calls.  We are looking to have a meaningful discussion in ways to improve upon our mission of […]

4th Quarterly Meeting

We will have our 4th quarterly meeting via Zoom. Email for more information about attending the virtual meeting.